Hot Bets
What does it mean when I take a Hot Bet?
We advertise Hot Bets at and across a network of other sites (more information on some exciting new partners to join us soon). Hot Bets are bets from punters who have agreed to share their betting information with others. To place a Hot Bet you are required to commit to betting a minimum wager in the race where the runner is starting, at Hot Bet odds. Hot Bet odds are Fixed Odds (or the next popular odds type if Fixed Odds are not available) less 5%.
A Hot Bet is settled into your account like a normal bet.
How do I access Hot Bets?
Hot Bets are advertised on each race betting page along with the punter's betting performance statistics, on the right-hand-side of the screen for Tablets and PC views, and above the race on mobile. To place a Hot Bet simply click the Back Bet Now button. You will be asked to confirm the conditions of the Hot Bet as outlined above. After confirming that you wish to take the Hot Bet, the punter's selection who you have chosen to back bet will be transferred to your bet slip defaulting to the punter's chosen bet type. You can also access comments that punters has made about their selection when placing the bet. This provides great insight into the punter's confidence level and the reason they backed the selection to guide your staking decision. From here you just add your stake, confirm the bet and you're on.
You can also place Hot Bets via the Tip Market. Here you can search for the most successful punters based on criteria that you set or you can search specifically for a punter, professional punter or media tipster by name. When you agree to back bet a punter, you are required to bet a minimum of 4 times the tip package price across one or more of the bets in the tip package. For example if the tip package is advertised for $10 you will need to bet a minimum of $40 across one or more of the selections in the tip package at Hot Bet odds.
Can I change the selection in my Hot Bet?
Yes you can change the selection contained within your Hot Bet by clicking the Edit icon to the right of the selection. Hot Bet conditions outlined above are applicable for the bet.
How many Hot Bets can I take in a race?
There is no restriction to how many Hot Bets you can take in a race or on a day. If you have agreed to share your betting information to improve your odds, Hot Bets that you take will not be advertised as a Hot Bet for yourself nor will they be added to your betting history.
Can I back a punter's other bets after I back his Hot Bet using the race betting screen?
Yes. After committing to back a Hot Bet you will be given the identity of the punter whose bet you are backing. After you place the Hot Bet in the race betting screen, you will then be prompted to back bet the punter's other selections that are available at the time.
How do I find out when a punter has bet so that I can back their Hot Bets?
You can follow a punter by clicking the 'Follow' button next to their tipping name in the Tip Market or on a confirmed bet slip after taking their Hot Bet. When you follow a punter you will be emailed when they bet next. We will soon be releasing new technology that ensures that you will never miss a Hot Bet. Stay tuned for this exciting new technology to follow soon.
What happens if I do not back the Hot Bet before the race starts?
Before we reveal a Hot Bet to you in the bet slip you agree to back the bet. As such, we reserve the right to charge you $10 in these instances however we do take various circumstances into consideration. Ongoing breaches of the Hot Bet agreement may result in the $10 charge being applied or limitations on the availability of Hot Bets for your account.
Enhanced odds
How do I get bigger odds?
Your odds increase every time your betting information is used across our sites and across a network of websites that have agreed to display Hot Bet advertisements. This usually means that your selections have been directly back bet but may also be the result of your information being used in other ways that provides value to punters. Our system scans your betting history and displays your best winning statistics to highlight your strengths to punters who are viewing Hot Bet advertisements.
How high can my odds grow?
There is no limit to how high your odds can grow. Every time your betting selections are used your a portion of the bet return, between 2.6% and 5%, is credited to you. We communicate this remuneration for use of your information as enhanced odds. As we add more and more sites to our advertising network, the potential for your odds to grow higher is greater.
Is a bookmaker? Do you set the odds?
No. is not a bookmaker. Your bets are placed with recognised bookmakers, licensed within Australia and its Territories. Your bets are placed using one of our bookmaker partner's odds products as displayed on our site. does not set odds. If your bet information is used, remuneration for its use is communicated to you as increased odds.
Do I have to share my betting information with other punters?
No you don't have to share your bet information. When you start an account your are asked if you would like to share your betting information. If you choose not to, your bets will not be advertised. This means that you will not be eligible to receive enhanced odds.
Can I change my mind about sharing my betting information after I have joined?
Yes. You can change your permission to share betting information in your account settings at any time.
How can I improve my chances of getting better odds when I bet at
The main factor that drives your odds is getting back bet by other punters. To increase your chances of being back bet you should:
Ensure that your entire betting history is captured at Only bets placed with us are counted in your betting history which is displayed across a network of sites for punters every time you bet.
Focus on your betting performance. Our algorithm will scan your betting history and identify your best betting performance statistics that are relevant to punters looking for advice.
Other ways to grow your odds higher include:
Betting as early as you can; and
Betting all your stake at
Will my bets be advertised as Hot Bets if I tip?
Yes. Tips, or virtual bets as we also refer to them, are treated as a selection and calculated as part of the punter's betting history and advertised like any other bet. Punters who only tip are only eligible to earn when they are directly back bet and their potential remuneration is not as great compared to punter's who place a wager on their selection.
What betting events can I receive enhanced odds for?
Currently you can receive enhanced odds for thoroughbred racing, harness racing and greyhound racing. In the near future this will extend to all sporting events offered by Australian bookmakers.
How do I know if I have received enhanced odds?
As soon as your information is used by someone else who has placed a bet, your enhanced odds are displayed on the right hand side of tablet and PC web screens, showing your original odds and the new odds that you have received. As each punter uses your information your odds increase and it the are updated on the display. Tablet and web users can also view this information in the Pending Bets section and they can see their final odds in the Results section of the account.
For mobile users, a green banner appears at the top of the screen indicating that your odds have increased. When clicking the banner you are taken to your pending bets where the enhanced odds are displayed.
Is there anything that I can do to promote my Hot Bets so that I can further enhance my odds?
Yes. After each bet is placed and confirmed you will be prompted with 4 actions that will assist your efforts to spread the news about your betting performance to attract punters to your bets and therefore increase your odds.
Facebook - when clicking the Facebook icon you are taken to a comment box with a link to your best betting statistics and a call to action to back bet your selections. You can edit the default message and post it to your Facebook page.
Twitter - similarly you can click the Twitter icon. The Twitter text box will include a link to your best betting statistics. Again you can edit the default message and tweet to tell your followers that your bets are ready to be backed.
Email - clicking the email icon will send a standard message to a new email window containing a link to your best betting statistics and a call to action to back your bets. All you have to do form here is add your mate's email addresses and click send to tell them to get onboard.
Advertisement link - if you have your own racing and sports webpage you can now provide your visitors one of the most effective ways to follow your betting advice, and for you the the most effective way to monetise your sporting and racing web traffic. Simply copy the link to your best statistics advertisement and add it to your web page, link it to a BACK BET NOW button on your site, make it the call to action on your Facebook page and add it to your member email notifications.