Patrick Veitch

Name Patrick Veitch
Age 39
Birth Place UNITED KINGDOM   Image
Residence United Kingdom
Estimated Worth Unknown - made over £10 million profit between 1999 - 2007
Method Summary Selections are based on mathematical assessment of runners compared to their price in the race


Veitch performs extensive form analysis. It is understood that this analysis is converted to figures (ratings) and compared to market prices (odds) in order to identify opportunities where market prices are greater than the runners' chance of winning.

When assessing a race, the skill is knowing which variables may influence its outcome and by how much. Opportunities arise when he rates a horse high due to a factor that the bookmakers have either not identified or rated as high as him. In these cases the market price is over what the horse's chances are of winning.

Veitch focuses only on flat running and does not necessarily focus on the bigger races on the card - he believes opportunities often lie in the lower billed races.

Key Facts

Veitch has identified up to 80 variables to consider when assessing a race.

He studied mathematics at Cambridge and left before completing his degree to pick horses professionally.

He employs a team of staff to place bets, as bookmakers are unlikely to take bets from him in person due to his record of success.

Veitch believes his success is due to having traits like a brain surgeon for thoroughness in preparation, as well as traits like a mad axe man for recklessness in execution.